About Me

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Milano, Lombardia, Italy
A polyglot lived, studied and worked in Copenhagen and Milan as a result graduated in August 2009 of Business Administration. Recently, started with a MSc in Business Administration, major in Strategy at the Radboud University Nijmegen in The Netherlands

Friday, January 30, 2009

Turkish PM Erdoğan storms out of heated Mideast debate

Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan stormed out of a debate on the Middle East at the World Economic Forum on Thursday, saying he might never return to the annual gathering of the rich and powerful.

Israel's President Shimon Peres had launched a fiery defense of his country's assault on Gaza over the past month and, with a raised voice and pointed finger, questioned what Erdogan would do if rockets were fired at Istanbul every night.
As the debate, which also included United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and Arab League chief Amr Moussa, was ending, Erdogan was cut short as he tried to respond.

"I don't think I will come back to Davos because you don't let me speak," the Turkish prime minister said, as he stood up and walked out of the conference hall in the Swiss ski resort.

"The president spoke for only 25 minutes. I have only spoken for half of that."
Turkey's state-run Anatolian news agency quoted Erdogan as saying to Peres: "When it comes to killing you know very well how to kill. I know very well how you killed children on the beaches."

In a hastily-called news conference, Erdogan later explained that he had been upset with both the moderation of the debate and Peres' manner.
"My reaction was directed at the moderator. I think that if we have moderation in this way, we won't really get out of Davos what we all come here to get out of Davos, and it would cast a shadow over efforts to reach peace," Erdogan said.

"President Peres was speaking to the prime minister of Turkey -- I am not just some leader of some group or tribe, so he should have addressed me accordingly," he told reporters.

30 January 2009, Friday



At Davos Economic Forum, the Turkish press was looking forward to hearing positive statements concerning the peace negotiations in Gaza and IMF's world strategies. The action that Mr. Erdogan took was shocking of course. But he was right as a Prime Minister of the Turkish Republic. This reaction of Turkey 'pm was to an injustice behaviours of moderator and Mr.Peres. As we consider the time management (his speak was about 12 min.s, half of Peres's) and the importance of the issue, the moderator's behaviour was -so to say- rude. The moderator was saying something like 'its dinner time'. One should comment on this, while people are dying and the war btw Israel and Palestine is getting more fierce, who cares about dinner? It is entirely clear that the moderator, as we look to his background David Ignatius (born to a Jewish family) an American journalist and novelist of Armenian descent, was NOT objective and contradicted his role as a moderator. This panel was the place to discuss these situation fairly and openly but unfortunately it turned into a dirty pool.

Again Prime Minister Erdogan spoke as the conscience of the entire world, not just Turkey. He showed his sensivity as PM and as a HUMAN being for the outrage, cruelty which take place in Gaza.

People we need to WAKE UP, history is repeating while we should learn from the past. Jewish Genocide in 1941,Bosnian Genocide in 1995, Rwanda Genocide in 1994. When will the cruelty stop? When will the human kind stop thinking of themselfs and start thinking of their neighbours? Where did we leave our principals of faith? Where did we leave our principals of humanity??

Aren't we the ones who are looking for 'Peace' ???


Monday, January 26, 2009

15 reasons Facebook may be worth $15bn

Microsoft has invested $240m (£117m) in social networking site Facebook in exchange for a 1.6% share of the company. That puts a value of $15bn (£7.3bn) on a firm that has only been in existence three and a half years.
So why does Microsoft think Facebook is worth $15bn? Here are 15 possible reasons....

1. The network has gone viral in the last 12 months, with more than 50 million users worldwide and a user base that is growing faster than great rival MySpace. According to Facebook, it adds 200,000 new users each day.

2. The average user spends 3.5 hours a month on Facebook - more than the average user on rival MySpace - which is increasingly attractive to advertisers.

3. Facebook is the current Web 2.0 darling - popular with ordinary users and "tech heads" alike.

4. US research reveals that Facebook users come from wealthier homes and are more likely to

attend college than MySpace users - increasing that attraction for advertisers.

5. Microsoft's investment makes them a serious player in the growing market of "social advertising". Social network profiles are full of personal data that users voluntarily hand over, which is very useful for targeting adverts.

6. Sixty percent of Facebook users are outside of the US - so Microsoft's investment buys access to a global audience quickly and simply.

7. Facebook is the new web: The decision to open up the network to outside developers turned Facebook into a destination for many uses, like messaging, photos and video. Of course, as Facebook is on the web it could never really be the new web.

8. Every major content firm with an online presence is either working on a Facebook application or has already launched one - from Google to the BBC.

9. According to a report, 233 million hours of work are lost each month in the UK due to staff looking at social networks. Advertisers can now target people when at their desks.

10. The openness of Facebook is attracting a wealth of talented developers who can launch their applications to millions of users quickly.

11. Facebook messaging is the new e-mail. Everyone feels stressed from a deluge of e-mail from unwanted people and companies. But Facebook messages are always from friends.

12. Facebook's "status updates" have become the easiest way to let friends know what you are doing and how you are feeling at any given moment.

13. Facebook thrives on playful applications such as Pirates, Zombies, Super Wall and Top Friends, which have made the network a place to play as well as communicate.

14. Facebook is the acceptable face of blogging - you can reflect your life and personality online without being seen as a "blogger", which often carries a geeky stigma.

15. Facebook is worth $15bn only because Microsoft says so. The value of Facebook is based on a 1.6% share of the firm being worth the $240m Microsoft paid for it. Microsoft and Google were in a bidding war for a slice of the firm and both companies have large pockets. This was not just business, this was personal, according to some analysts.

Source: BBC.co.uk


Sounds a bit energetic and too much of enthusiasm early in the morning but YES I had a wonderful weekend .
Started at Saturday with a visit to my friends in Lambrate and went afterwards to Rolo/Modena to their relatives house for a GODBLESSED HEAVENLY Turkish dinner.

In the beginning I was doubting whether it would be appropriate to go, because I did not know the family and joining them with dinner hmm ?? But to not offend the Turkish culture and my friend I accepted this generous invitation...
The dinner was heavenly and we had lots of fun I must say that I kind of missed that family moments and it made me realize again the appreciation towards my family. You know there is a Dutch saying: Uit het oog, uit het hart..literally translated: away from the eye, away from the heart.. This saying can be usefull for friends probably, but for family, no way!
By the way, I have booked my flight to Holland at 4 February and will re-catch 4 days of half year staying abroad.. I am so looking forward to this trip..seeing my mum my dad and my sisters back . And surely not to forget the delicious food of my mum :)

Friday, January 23, 2009

14th Human Resource Conference

To inform you about the latest events on the HR-field, Eventus organizes the 14th Human Resource Conference & Exhibition in Istanbul Convention & Exhibition Centre at February 11-12, 2009

What is the program all about?

Get inspired
Hear, learn and interact with world's leading management authorities.

Get updated
Masterclasses, international applications, visionary sessions, workshops, joyfull hours, around 50 plenary sessions on how organizations are dealing with the key issues in HR today.

Get involved
Innovative platform for networking with about 2000 professionals to discuss hottest issues and challange your thinking during the lunch/coffee breaks.

If you want more information please have a further look at the website http://www.memc.be/memc_eventus.asp?test/hr14/conference

Welcome to you and welcome back to me :-)

First of all I would like to welcome you to my Blog. As I have made an attempt earlier,which I failed due to my laziness and lack of writing skills I once again give it a try for this time.

You will find several topics that are in my field of interest ( of course :-) ) such as:
Human Resource- Networking- Management- Music- Books- Innovation- Businessess- Entrepeneurship- Proverbs-Languages and many more (hopefully)
Enjoy your time with reading it and feedback is of course always welcome.