About Me

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Milano, Lombardia, Italy
A polyglot lived, studied and worked in Copenhagen and Milan as a result graduated in August 2009 of Business Administration. Recently, started with a MSc in Business Administration, major in Strategy at the Radboud University Nijmegen in The Netherlands

Friday, March 20, 2009

The feelings that arise when you miss your plane

Well today it is my "lucky day". I am honoured to tell you that I have missed my flight for the second time of my life. And in this case the second time was worst...

The first time I missed my flight was when I went to Istanbul together with my friends. I decided to spend in the last week some time with family and friends in Turkey. I went to my family in Bursa. I had a great time with them and really did not want to finish the vacation that soon.. so deep in my thoughts I asked God ..pleaaaaassse let me stay some couple days of more...well can you imagine that my prayers have been heared???
Apparently, the time on the ticket was not correct and I did not checked it 24hrs before which was obviously very clever of me. Eventually, I could stay some couple days more in Turkey which was GREAT.

This time however, I woke up at 6.00 AM cleaned my house, packed my stuff and went on road. My colleague Gianlucius adviced me to park my car in Lambrate as I did not want to spend money on the LONG parking in Malpensa. Anyhow, I went to this place and what do I figure out? YES, not any parking place left free. Thank God the place of my friends was in the same area so I parked over there, where I am not sure whether I can park there for 2 weeks as there are the streetcleaners who clean that place once in a week.Probably I will receive a ticket... the diablo is in my surrounding I just feel it. So next step was the subway. Took the subway in Lambrate to the Central station where I arrived approximately around 11.00 AM bought my ticket and went straight to the ShuttleBus service Malpensa. Finally, settled safe and sound in the bus. However, a huge traffic in Milan gave me the nerves and it I knew that it would take some hours to my final destionation. Also did not know that we had to stop first at Terminal 2 and I needed to be at Terminal 1. And here we go another lost time. I exactly arrived at 1.00 PM and my flight was scheduled at 13.40 !!!!!!!
I hurried to the check-in and what did I found out: counter AIRBERLIN CLOSED !! I just could cry it out and was so pissed off that this was happening again to me. I directly went to the Information desk for what I could POSSIBLY do to still catch the flight, the friendly lady advised me to go downstairs to the gate where the security officers, maybe they could help me out. The friendly security officer wanted to help me and I could feel his sincerity but unfortunately his chief denied his request. So you are asking me what happened next? Fatma got in total 273 EUR lighter for another flight at the same date :-/ where she has to wait for the next flight that is around 08.30 PM and will arrive in Dusseldorf around 09.50 PM ... A hell of a day or not?

Therefore my grateful thanks goes to:
-Shuttlebus Service Malpensa, for getting me on fashionably late at the airport
-Milan Traffic, for providing me the nerves
-American students/tourist who were in the shuttlebus and just could not stop talking the whole road ( really one girl had this annoying voice and talking like.. i was like .. it is like...)
-Friendly lady of the Information Counter
-Friendly signor of security for calming me down
And last but not least

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