About Me

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Milano, Lombardia, Italy
A polyglot lived, studied and worked in Copenhagen and Milan as a result graduated in August 2009 of Business Administration. Recently, started with a MSc in Business Administration, major in Strategy at the Radboud University Nijmegen in The Netherlands

Friday, March 20, 2009

Still waiting & where is everyone??!!

Okey, now the clock turned to 07.21 PM but this person in matter is still waiting and trying to loose some time on the Internet... Unbelievable, when I need people around they are nowhere. I am telling you, the Diablo Rosso is somewhere very close to me today...

Well, I hear my stomach grumbling so I say goodbye to you and have my last pizza for the coming two weeks.



  1. Hey Fatma!
    Keileuke blog joh!! Bayildim :) ve üzüldüm dat je je plane hebt gemist :(
    ik ben follower geworden, maar ging iets mis,, nu staan er 2 esra's :P bitanesini sil.. ik weet niet wat er is gebeurt :P
    benimde vardi bi aralar blogspot, sildim.. borink life :P hehe
    succes met je tentamens !

  2. Thanks Es, zaten sanssizligim uzerimde :-( hadi bir kere oldu diycemde iki kere?!
    Blog biraz amatorce zaten fazla yazamiyorum..ama elimden geldince biseyler yazmaya calisiyorum :P
    Bu arada sen nasilsin? Okul? Valla benim ilk sinav sali hemde accounting yippiee potver..
    Bi aralar vaktin olursa goruselim konusalim muhabbet edelim face to face :D
